The number of resources – mostly articles – that explicitly engage the topic of decolonizing the classroom has increased substantially in the last three years. This resource page will be a place to collect some of these articles that I have enjoyed and find useful.
As with all resource pages, I will occasionally update this page with new resources.
Last updated: 18 November 2018
Articles and Websites
Yvette DeChavez’s “It’s Time to Decolonize that Syllabus” – discussion of a recent LatinX woman’s experience of putting together a decolonized syllabus for an American Literature class.
Decolonizing Thanksgiving: A Toolkit for Combatting Racism in Schools – a few thoughts about how we decolonize Thanksgiving in our schools.
Decolonizing the AHR – the introduction to Vol. 123, Issue 1, February 2018 issue of the American Historical Review, in which the editors discuss the change in direction for the journal.
Decolonise science – time to end another imperial era – Great article for thinking about how imperialism shaped our idea of modern science and the implications of this process on the world today.
The Real Meaning of Rhodes Must Fall – a Guardian longread from Amit Chaudhuri on the origins of the Rhodes Must Fall movement and its spread to and implications for Britain
Yes, we must decolonise: our teaching has to go beyond elite white men – an opinion piece from Priyamvada Gopal on what decolonizing education looks like and why we need to do it.
The Whitesplaining of History Is Over – Not explicitly about decolonizing the classroom, but Priya Satia challenges historians to engage the public more and challenge the hegemonic discourse of white, male “experts.”
“But, do you think Empire was really all that bad?” – Good overview of how justifying imperialism continues to be popular and how it relates to the colonization of the classroom.
Questions academics can ask to decolonise their classrooms – thoughtful piece on some of the ways we can ask questions about our pedagogy and how we engage students in the classroom.
Rhodes Must Fall: The Struggle to Decolonise the Racist Heart of Empire – Explores the origins of this movement in South Africa and how it has quickly spread around the world.
Too Dope Teachers Episode 26 “Be Yourself?” – a provocative episode that looks at how colonial structures shape our views of how teachers are supposed to look and behave in the classroom.
Videos and Documentaries
None at this time.